Commercial Driver Medical Examination| Rules and Regulations

How to designate a medical examiner administrative assistant

As most of you know by now, you may now designate a medical examiner administrative assistant (MEAA) who will get access to the National Registry and perform reporting functions on your behalf.  The MEAA will first need to get their own National Registry number by setting up their own profile.  Follow these steps as described by the FMCSA to designate your MEAA:


  • The following steps will guide you through this process:
  • Go to the National Registry website at
  • Click “Medical Examiners & Assistants” in the blue bar across the top of the screen.
  • Select “Administrative Assistant Registration.”
  • Enter the requested information and click “Submit.”
  • A unique National Registry number will display on the screen when registration is complete.

The MEAA should give you their National Registry number. Once you have your MEAAs National Registry number and you are a Certified Medical Examiner you can designate them as your administrative assistant. Follow these steps to designate your MEAA:

  • Go to the National Registry website at to access your National Registry account.
  • Click “Login” in the blue bar across the top of the screen.
  • Enter your username and password, and click “Login”
  • Choose the Designate an Administrative Assistant link
  • Choose the ‘Add MEAA’ tab Enter the MEAA’s ID #
  • Select the MEAA and click “Submit”
  • Review MEAA’s information and confirm it is the correct person

After completing these steps, an alert is sent to the MEAA announcing the invitation to be associated with your account. You may designate more than one MEAA and you may disassociate an MEAA at any time. Once you’ve disassociated an MEAA, they will no longer have access to your account functions.  By having a designated MEAA you will spend less time submitting reports and more time seeing your patients. Visit the National Registry website at to register your administrative assistant today.