National registry of Certified Medical Examiners

Reporting Commercial Driver Exam Results.

The FMCSA has revised the instructions for reporting driver exam results in a bulletin sent to medical examiners on February 24, 2015.   They removed the “Update to Previously Submitted Exam Report” check box , and gave the following revised instructions to medical examiners for reporting driver exams.  The first two instructions are really just repetitions on the basic way to enter your exam results or how to enter “No exams in the Prior Month” using the online MCSA-5850 Form. This should really be familiar to all medical examiners, except maybe those recently certified and not yet accustomed to the National Registry online form.  Basically, it seems now you just create a new exam record by re-submit the corrected driver information and end up with what appears to be two records for that same driver.  It’s not clear if the older record will eventually be deleted or not.  (In looking at my own list of driver exams for the previous month, I still see both the corrected and previous entry).

Finally, the FMCSA reminds medical examiners that they are still required to submit exams performed or to report “no exams to submit”  by the end of the month of the following exam month.

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